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Ice Cream Socials

March 12th and 13th
The ice cream was donated by Buck’s ice cream located on the University of Missouri’s campus. We had chocolate, tiger stripe, and cookies and cream. We sold out of the tiger stripe the first night. We were able to raise $131 on the ice cream social. So far we are on track of our overall goal for the semester. Mr. McDonald has praised us on our hard work and the progress we have made so far. We sold ice cream at $2.00 for one scoop and $3.00 for two scoops; most individuals who purchased ice cream were very generous and gave more than expected. We were here on three occasions for state basketball championships and that’s who we were targeting to get the most donations from. The first night, Thursday March 19th, we were able to set a banner from the HRM School across our table with tubs of ice cream on them. We had a sign that gave prices and a donation jar for people to donate. There were Give the Kids the World posters up explaining what the money was going towards. Most of our customers were friends from around Columbia on the first night because the basketball team would not be checked in until the following night. On the next evening, Friday March 20th, we were able to sell more ice ream since the teams were arriving. The HRM banner was not available for us, so the Courtyard provided us with a nice table cloth and some nice lighting. Being so decorative drew in a lot more people to the table. It made them come over to see what was going on. What person doesn’t like to eat ice cream, right?

April 8th
With the leftover ice cream, we held another ice cream social. This one was geared to the business people staying in the hotel.

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